PONGI Masters Rules

These rules are based upon the Official Rules of The World Series of Beer Pong®, available at BPONG.COM


  • 10 cups on both sides
  • All cups are filled halfway with water (this water is not intended for drinking)
  • 2 players per team
  • 2 balls per table
  • The team that wins rock-paper-scissors decides who starts
  • On the first turn, the starting team throws only one ball. Subsequent turns consist of two throws

Goal of the game

  • The goal is to sink all the cups on the opposing side
  • The winner of the game is the team who has cups left on the table
  • The teams themselves make sure that there is enough liquid in the cups

Flow of the game

  • Throwing takes place from behind the table
  • When throwing, both feet must be on the ground
    • Only when the throwing movement itself begins, can the thrower lift the other leg
    • During the throw, contact with the edge of the table and the cups is allowed, but there must be no body parts on the table, and the table must not move from its original position
    • The elbow may cross the edge of the table
  • After the starting throw, teams throw two balls per turn
    • Each team member throws one ball on their turn
  • If both players successfully throw into the cup, they get a third throw
    • The team can decide which of the players will throw the third throw
    • After three throws, it is the opponent's turn to throw
  • You may distract the opponent
    • Hands and other body parts must be kept behind the table
    • Players must always be behind the table, excluding when the player collects the ball
  • The cups are rearranged in a triangular shape as follows: Rack Example


  • If the player successfully throws the bounce into the cup, two cups are removed
    • The bounce must hit the table first. If the bounce happens through a rack or a cup, only one cup is removed
  • You may block the bounce throw by knocking or grabbing the ball
    • Blocking must only take place after the ball has hit the table, cup, or rack


  • The throw is rejected in the following cases:
    • The thrower leans on one leg and thus tries to gain an advantage
    • The thrower takes support from the table with one hand
    • The table moves from its original position when the thrower's body hits the table
  • If you knock over your own cup, the cup is removed from the table
  • The ball thrown into the cup must not be blown or removed with a finger
  • If you block the ball incorrectly, one cup will be removed as a penalty
    • If the team receiving the throw blocks the ball so that the ball has not bounced off the table, cup, or rack, one cup is removed as a penalty
    • The opponent gets to decide which cup is removed
  • If the cup falls over when the ball hits the inner edge of the cup, the cup is removed from the table
    • Excluding if the ball hits the outer edge of the cup, the cup is filled with water and returned to its place
  • After successful throw, the next player may throw only after the previous cup and the opponent's hand have left the table


  • If the opponent has sunk all the cups, the losing team has the opportunity to take the game to overtime
    • Example 1: The "losing" team has more than 1 cup left on the table
      • Only 1 ball is given to the losing team
      • The players of the losing team take turns trying to sink the cups
      • The game ends after the first missed throw
    • Example 2: The “losing” team has only 1 cup left cup on the table
      • If the opponents threw the last cup with the first throw, the losing team gets 1 ball back
        • The losing team gets to decide which of the players will throw the ball
      • If the opponents throw the last cup with the second throw, the losing team gets 2 balls back
        • Both players of the losing team have one chance to tie the game
  • Overtime consists of three cups filled with water
  • The first throws of the overtime are thrown by the team that sank the last cup first
    • They have two balls to throw
  • There are as many overtimes as needed to decide the game
  • Overtime cup difference is always marked as +1 and -1

Other things

  • In unclear situations, ask the event organizer for help
  • The winning team must report the winner and the result of the game to the PONGI employee
  • The team may be disqualified due to threatening or racist behavior
  • If the opposing team does not arrive within 15 minutes of the start of the game, the game will be recorded as a 3 - 0 forfeit win
  • If one of the team's players does not arrive for the match, they only have one throw per turn
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